Hua Hin Drinking Water
You may be used to drinking out of your taps in your home country but in Hua Hin drinking water is best taken from a bottle
Many newcomers to Hua Hin and indeed Thailand for the first time may be accustomed to drinking water out of the tap in their home countries. For many Europeans this is a second nature as they know that the water has been filtered and treated prior to reaching their homes.
While this may sometimes be the case in Thailand drinking the Hua Hin tap water is not advisable. Although it may be cleaner than in some parts of the country not all houses and resorts have water filters installed. Washing and bathing in the water is not a problem but if you want to drink water then it is better to buy the bottled variety.
The good news is that bottled water is cheap in Thailand but there are different varieties available and some are better than others depending upon your needs.
It is quite common to see large white plastic containers. This is normally used by the locals and can be used for cooking but because the bottles are normally refilled you don’t always know whether they have been cleaned and sterilized properly. As a result you may sometimes find that the water has an after taste to it or goes “off” quickly.
Water in Your Home
Most homes and condos in town have their own water tanks, mainly due to the unreliability of the local water supply.
Hua Hin, being in a drought area, often runs low on water especially towards the end of the rainy season and you may find it being cut off to your home with little to no notice, normally at night time but it can also be off for days at a time.
If you have ever looked in your water tanks you may be surprised to see how dirty they can get, especially with the build up of sediment in the bottom of them. Tanks should be cleaned periodically and this is easier to do if they are situated above ground as they should have a drainage valve on the bottom of them.
Installing a large particle filter on the main line into the tank will help prevent a lot of the sediment from getting into the system and pipes but it needs to be cleaned every couple of weeks to remain effective.
Home Filtration Systems
The are various home filtration systems available from simple paper and sand filters to the more advanced multi-stage purification modules. You are best to seek professional advice when choosing a filtration system for you home to ensure that you get one that can cope with your homes water needs in a cost effective manner.
If you want to use the water for drinking or cooking then you’ll need to go for a multistage filter system that includes ceramic and resin filters to remove small particles, an activated carbon filter to remove any smells and tastes and the UV light module to kill off any bacteria present. Because these filters need to be changed regularly it can work out quite expensive if you want to treat every water source in your home. For this reason you may want to use simple filters on the main water source, especially for the showers and washing machines and then use extra filtering in certain places such as the kitchens and bathrooms.
Just remember that which ever system you decide to use the quality of the water that these filters produce is only as good as the condition of the filters you use and all these filters will need to be cleaned and replaced on a regular basis.
If you want chilled water at home then there are water dispensers available that can either heat or cool the water as it is discharged. They normally accept the gallon water drums on top.
Free Drinking Water Around Town
Around town you’ll see some drinking water dispensers that basically filter and zap the water with UV light to kill any organisms and make it safe for drinking.
There are also paid water dispensers where you can take your empty bottles and containers to be refilled cheaply. These are often found outside of supermarkets and 7-Elevens.
The Best Bottled Water to Buy
When purchasing bottled water you normally get what you pay for. The cheaper sorts are either just filtered tap water of distilled water which are great for cooking with and cleaning your teeth.
The more expensive kinds are mineral water that contain essential vitamins and minerals required by your body. Drinking a lot of water created using reverse osmosis that does not contain these minerals may cause some people problems as they can upset you body’s electrolyte balance if you are not getting enough nutrients from fresh vegetables and fruits.
Most bottled water in Thailand comes from a few select sources with the best mineral water (often called spring water) coming from the Chiang Mai area in the North. Popular brands include Mineré and Mont Fleur.
Drinking Water in Restaurants
When you are out and about taking a meal and ask for a glass of water you are normally given a bottle of water which is brought to the table unopened with the seal intact. The water or waitress will open the bottle in front of you so that you can see that it is fresh.
Most bars and eatery’s will have a selection of different bottled water on offer, most are not carbonated but you can always ask for soda water if you want fizzy.
How Safe is the Ice?

Ice is normally safe in Thailand
As a rule the ice that you get in your drinks in Hua Hin will come from a commercial supplier that uses purified water and is safe to consume.
You can recognize most commercial ice as it will normally be cylindrical with a hole through the center although you may find that some bars use square cubes. Any issues with ice is normally introduced with the way that it is handled rather than the water that is used to make it.
Always use your own judgement and if the ice is a strange color then it may be better to give it a pass but unless you are way off the beaten track it will not normally be an issue.
So if you fancy a delicious iced coffee or smoothie when you’re out and about then go for it.